About Me

Welcome to Strong Inside Out!

Hey there! I’m Bandana Bisht, and I’m excited to have you here. As a firm believer in the power of mind-body wellness, I’m passionate about helping you achieve a balanced and fulfilling healthy lifestyle. At Strong Inside Out, we believe that true strength comes from within. It’s not just about having a fit physique; it’s about cultivating mental resilience, embracing self-care, and finding harmony in all aspects of well-being. I’m not a fitness guru or a nutrition expert—I’m just an ordinary person who has faced the struggles of weight and wellness. But through years of trial and error, I’ve discovered sustainable and healthy approaches that have transformed my life. Now, I want to share those insights with you.

About me

           BEFORE (2015)

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                 AFTER (2022)

When I reached my heaviest weight of 80 kilograms, I knew I had to make a change. Crash diets and extreme exercise regimens only provided temporary results. So, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, seeking a holistic approach to weight loss and overall well-being. And let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. I faced setbacks and moments of doubt, but I persevered.

Through my research and self-education, I learned that true health goes beyond just shedding kilos. It’s about nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods, engaging in activities that bring us joy, and cultivating a positive mindset. I started incorporating nutrient-rich meals into my diet and discovered the importance of balance. No more restrictive diets or deprivation—I focused on nourishing my body with a variety of whole foods. And guess what? It made a world of difference.

Exercise became a cornerstone of my journey too. But instead of forcing myself into intense workouts that I dreaded, I found activities that I truly enjoyed. From dancing and running to hiking and yoga, I discovered the joy of moving my body in ways that felt natural and fun. Fitness became a celebration of what my body could do, rather than a punishment for what it couldn’t.

But it wasn’t just about the physical aspect. Developing a positive mindset was key. I learned to silence my inner critic and embrace self-compassion. I surrounded myself with uplifting and supportive individuals who believed in me. And I focused on setting realistic goals that were achievable and sustainable. Small steps led to big transformations.

Over time, I gradually shed those extra kilos and found my way to a healthier weight of 63 kilograms. But the most incredible part was the change on the inside. I felt more energetic, confident, and at peace with myself. My mindset shifted, and I started viewing health as a holistic journey rather than a destination.

Through Strong Inside Out, I want to inspire and empower you on your own wellness journey. I’ll share practical tips, insights, and resources that have helped me along the way. My goal is to show you that a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. It’s about finding what works for you, embracing sustainable habits, and honoring your unique path.

Whether you’re looking for delicious and nourishing recipesworkout ideasmindset strategies, or self-care practices, you’ll find it all here. I’ll be with you every step of the way, cheering you on and providing the support you need.

Remember, you have the strength within you to achieve incredible things. It’s time to embrace your journey, one step at a time. Together, we’ll create a life filled with strength, vitality, and well-being.

Stay tuned for regular updates and new content that will support your health and wellness goals. Thank you for being a part of the Strong Inside Out community. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

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